who are you
running for?

Every athlete has one race
to run for someone else.

One Medal is a program that promotes the gift of encouragement and empowerment for people who are going through what appears to be insurmountable adversity. Every athlete has one race and One Medal® to give for someone. Who are you running for?

One Medal for Bob Brown

One Medal for Bob Brown

Submitted by Sydney Ayers I have been struggling to write my One Medal story for a long time; years, in fact. You see, it's not easy to write about someone who has not only had an impact on my running career but also my life. I was entering my senior year of high...

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One Medal for Linda Kay

One Medal for Linda Kay

There is nothing quite like hearing about the passing of a friend moments before you board a completely full airplane. So, for the sake of my middle seat responsibilities to hold it together, let me tell you about my friend Linda Kay Jones. In her capacity as Vice...

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One Medal for Ashley

One Medal for Ashley

There are friends you’ve known since high school, others since college and a number through work or jobs. Those are all great friendships don’t get me wrong. But, there is a unique kinship that develops with those whom you run. Your running friends see when you are...

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One Medal for Michael Herman

One Medal for Michael Herman

Every industry has its “giants.” People who have given so much for their profession. One of these giants in the public relations industry is a man named Michael L. Herman APR, Fellow PRSA (Public Relations Society of America). The letters after his name are fitting of...

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One Medal for Jack and Patty

One Medal for Jack and Patty

When I was born, I came out as a surprise!! I know right, a surprise?? What I mean by “surprise” is that the doctors told my parents I was going to be a baby boy.  “Surprise…” you have a healthy, baby girl! My parents were ready with a name for a baby boy, but...

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One Medal for Grandma Hilde

One Medal for Grandma Hilde

My name is Gwen Walker, and I'm running the Durango Double Trail and Road Half Marathons the weekend of October 11/12, for my grandma Hilde, who passed away in 2008. Grandma Hilde (Hildegarde Josephine Schmiedebusch- try to say THAT three times, fast!) is my dad's...

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Jenn’s One Medal run is for her friend MJ.  Here is her story: Monica (MJ) and I met during our first semester at Eastern New Mexico University in the Fall of 1998. We pledged the same woman's fraternity, Zeta Tau Alpha, and became instant friends. As things will...

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Coast to Coast for Ernie’s Friends

Coast to Coast for Ernie’s Friends

How do you put everything you know about Ernie Andrus into a box? You don’t. He is 91 years old, retired from the Navy and started his journey a week after his wife was laid to rest.  Ernie’s journey is to run from the coast of the Pacific Ocean to the coast of...

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Time to Run

Time to Run

“You want to know how many miles it takes to get from point A to point B? Ask a runner.” Those are just some of the great words of wisdom by my friend Kent. A former runner and a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals (we can’t all be perfect), Kent is the senior pastor of a...

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Running the Half for “Mr. Jack”

Running the Half for “Mr. Jack”

The 2013 Albuquerque Half Marathon included a run with a little extra step in these 50 years of life.  It was a “One Medal” race for my honoree “Mr. Jack.”  My connection to him is through his life partner, also my aunt, Paula. A father of twin sons and a...

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about the author

In January 2010, I started a journey of encouragement for others with a two-mile training run for my first marathon. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to run numerous endurance races as an encouragement for others. This website is where we share One Medal moments with a spirit of encouragement and motivation.

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