One Medal for Jack

One Medal for Jack

The following One Medal Story was submitted by Shannon who ran the 2017 Boston Marathon for her high school friend’s son, Jack. I know Michelle and her sister Debbie from high school.  Michelle and I were good friends and we used to hang out on the weekends...
One Medal for Dave

One Medal for Dave

There are fans, friends and family. And there are people who happen to be all three. Dave was one of those rare breeds. His success was seen as a United States Marine, a husband, dad and granddad as well as a business executive who set the high benchmark of how to act...
One “Snow” Medal for Mark

One “Snow” Medal for Mark

Growing up, I remember watching Monday Night Football and hearing Howard Cosell taking about the “frozen tundra” as a way to describe the winter weather playing conditions in Green Bay and Minneapolis. Fast forward to the Sangre de Cristo mountains and the Santa Fe...
One Medal for Mom and Dad

One Medal for Mom and Dad

Wisconsin Ironman & New Mexico Toughman Triathlon The road to my first Ironman and half-ironman distance are dedicated to my mom and dad, respectively. Both mom and dad are great role models for my brother, sister and me. The first of the races, the 2016 New...
One Medal for Greg – Capitol View Triathlon

One Medal for Greg – Capitol View Triathlon

Feeling more confident about triathlons, I ventured to Madison, Wisconsin to participate in a training weekend for the Wisconsin Ironman (a future OneMedal story). The training weekend provided the chance for an open water training swim and a 50 mile training ride on...